Tuesday 14 March 2017



What is a chassis ?
          -It is a completed vehicle except body
         - i.e. all the components  of engine, basic structure ,
          transmission system , control system and auxiliaries
          together know as chassis 
            •Does all vehicles have same type of chassis?
               - No
            •Why ?
               - With respect to engine fitting and construction 
                chassis varies from one vehicle to other 


Types of Chassis

  According to the construction of frame
           1.    Ladder chassis
           2.    Tubular space frame chassis
           3 .   Back bone chassis
           4.    Monocoque chassis
•  According to the position of engine
        1. Full forward chassis
        2. Semi forward chassis
        3. Engine at front chassis (Conventional chassis)
        4. Engine at center
        5. Engine at rear chassis
  According to the type of vehicle
           1. Bus chassis
           2. Car chassis
           3. Truck chassis
           4. Motorcycle chassis 
  According various applications
            1. Long wheel base chassis
            2. Over hanging chassis
            3. Half-integral and half-frame chassis

 Types of Chassis Based on Construction of Frame

1.Ladder Chassis
         –This is earliest kind of chassis 
         –As name indicates, it looks like a ladder 
         –Two longitudinal rails inter connected by several lateral and cross  member 
         –Longitudinal members are the main stress members 

         - Not strong enough 
           Eg :
                - Nearly all cars until the early 1960s
                - Most SUVs (Sports Utility Vehicles) 

Tubular Space Frame Chassis 

It employs dozens of circular-section tubes
Tubes position in different directions to provide  mechanical strength against forces from any where
These tubes are welded together and forms a very complex structure
This chassis is very strong in any direction when compared to ladder chassis
    Eg: Ferrari and TVR cars


 Backbone Chassis

A strong tubular backbone (usually in rectangular section ) connects the front and rear axle
The whole drive train, engine and suspension are connected to both ends of the back bone
Does not provide protection against side impact
Eg: Small sport cars such as Élan Mk-ll, Macros 


 Monocoque Chassis

Monocoque means ‘single shell’
It is a one-piece structure which defines the over all shape of the car
This chassis in already in corporated with the body in a single piece
The one-piece chassis in actually made by welding several pieces together
Inherently good crash protection and space efficient 

Types of Chassis Based on Engine Position


Full Forward Chassis

 •Engine fitted in front of driver seat
Eg:  Cars and old TATA trucks 
Semi Forward Chassis

     •Half engine fitted in the driver’s cabin and half out of the driver’s cabin 
     •Eg:  Standard  trucks and TATA - Mercedes' trucks
Conventional Chassis 
Engine fitted in front of drive’s cabin
      • There Types 
       1.Front engine real wheel drive
       2.Front engine front wheel drive
       3.Front engine in a cross manner, front wheel drive 
Engine at Center of the Chassis
         •Engine is fitted into its center under the chassis
        Eg:- Royal tiger wood master buses 
Engine at Rear Chassis
        •Engine fitted at the rear of the vehicle  
        •The drive is provided through the real wheel 
       Eg:Renault, Daulphine, Volkswagon and some of the Leyland buses
Overhang Chassis
      Chassis is extended before front axle and after the rear axle, to accommodate more floors space


Type of Chassis on Various Applications


Long wheel base Chassis:

Provided with longer wheel base, to accommodate and to carry more load
Accordingly longer chassis is required
Half-integral and Half-frame Chassis
Half frame is bolted to the floor of the vehicle
Half frame is fixed at front end
  Eg:  Ambassador cars , Fiat cars

Chassis of an Automobile

It is skeleton of the automobile
It is a complete vehicle except the body
Whole vehicle excluding the additional fitment
Plural form of chassis is also “chassis”

 Components of Chassis

2.Basic structure
3.Transmission system
4.Control systems

         It is also called as power plant of the automobile
         It provides necessary power to run the automobile
         Internal Combustion Engines (I.C.Engines) are used in automobiles

Basic Structure
The following components combined together is known as the basic structure of an automobile
               1. Frame
               2. Suspension System
               3. Axles
               4. Wheels
Transmission System
           In automobiles, the power developed by the engine is ultimately aimed to turn  the wheels so that the vehicle can move on the road
             Power developed by the engine will be transmitted through  various components which finally turn the wheels
             These components all together are  known as Transmission system
Components of transmission system
         Gear box
         Universal joints
         Propeller shaft
Control Systems
     when an automobile is running on the road, the
      following operations are performed :
  •       Reduction or increase of the speed of vehicle
  •       Stopping of the vehicle 
  •       Taking turn to change the direction of the vehicle

To perform these operations, a vehicle needs  various control systems
     Two types of control systems are there:
  •          1. Steering System
  •                - To change the direction of the vehicle
  •          2. Brake System
o   To slow down or stop the vehicle
Auxiliaries (Electrical)
       In automobiles, power is required not only to run the vehicle, but also required
               To blow horn
               To start the engine
                     For lighting
                     To show various gauge readings such as                           
           speedometer and fuel level indicator
       Battery and various electrical circuits, which are provided in the automobiles to meet these requirements are known as auxiliaries
Various auxiliaries (electrical circuits) in the automobiles
        Starting circuit
        Charging circuit
        Lighting circuit
        Horn circuit
        Gauges circuit
Main Components of an Automobile


The following components combined together is known as the basic structure of an automobile
               1. Frame
               2. Suspension System
               3. Axles
               4. Wheels and Tyres
It is the main part of the vehicle
Remaining parts of chassis are mounted on it
It is a rigid structure
It is generally comprises of two side members and several cross members connected together
It is narrow at the front  and widened out at rear 
The engine is mounted in the forward end of the frame 
At the rear end of the frame, the rear axle housing is attached through the rear spring (suspension)  
Carries weight of the vehicle and passengers 
It should be strong enough to resist stresses 
Frame of an automobile
Frame of a car

 Suspension System
It provides cushioning to the road shocks and vibrations and prevents them from being transferred to the frame
 Suspension System in an automobile
It consists of springs to absorb the road shocks
Suspension System in a Car
It acts as a beam supported at the ends 
There are two types of axle.
     1.Front axle
     2.Rear axle

Front Axle 
Carries weight of the front portion 
Facilitates steering and suspension system
Front axle of an automobile 
Rear Axle
Carries weight of the rear portion 
Facilitates suspension system 
Transmits the drive to rear wheel


To drive as well as support the vehicle
Two types
      1. Front wheels  -  To steer the vehice
      2. Rear wheels  -  Driven by rear axle

The tyre is made of rubber
It is attached to the outer rim of the wheel
A tube is fitted inside the tyre and filled with air

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